The Value of Financial Planning

Here’s an interesting question:  what is the value of financial planning? These are some of the reasons I find value in planning.

Peace of mind.  You’ve hashed out your financial goals and now need to meet them.  Do you want to pay for your children’s or grandchildren’s schooling?  Do you want to retire by a certain age?  Do you have enough insurance?  Financial planning will help to answer these questions and bring your goals into focus.  It’s really about relieving stress and providing reassurance that you’ve accounted for present and future needs. Thus, maximizing the resources you have and increasing the confidence in your ability to move forward.

More options for your present and future.  You’ve determined what peace of mind means to you, now it’s time to plan out your bucket list.  Wouldn’t you like to know if you could take the vacation of your dreams?  I’d love to take a Nile cruise and stop at all the major archeological sites, including the Valley of the Kings.  You could also take courses for any hobbies you have, or go skydiving, or…there’s way too many “or’s” to list.

Control of your financial future.  Forward thinking allows you to see what the impact of your decisions may be, before you make them.  The foundation you build in the present will help to mitigate the fear of the nebulous future.


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